Minggu, 20 Desember 2009


Didn't you wanna hear
the sound of all the places we could go?
Do you fear
the expressions on the faces we don't know?
It's a cold, hard road when you wake up,
and I don't think that I have the strength
to let you go.

Maybe it's just me.
Couldn't you believe that everything I said and did
wasn't just deceiving?
And the tear in your eye,
and your calm, hard face
makes me wish that I was never brought into this place.

There goes my ring,
it might as well have been shattered.
And I'm here to sing
about the things that mattered.
About the things that made us feel alive for oh so long.
About the things that kept you on my side when I was wrong.

Maybe it's just me.
Couldn't you believe that everything I said and did
wasn't just deceiving?
And the tear in your eye,
and your calm, hard face
makes me wish that I was never brought into this place.

And someday, I promise I'll be gone.
And someday, I might even sing this song to you.
I might even sing this song to you.
To you, to you, to you...
And I was crying alone tonight,
and I was wasting all of my life
just thinking of you.
So just come back,
we'll make it better.
So just come back,
I'll make it better than it ever was.
I'll make it better than it ever was.

Maybe it's just me.
Couldn't you believe that everything I said and did
wasn't just deceiving?
And the tear in your eye,
and your calm, hard face
makes me wish that I was never brought into this place.

(I want it all, don't leave right now.
I'll give you everything.)

Maybe it's just me.
Couldn't you believe that everything I said and did
wasn't just deceiving?
And the tear in your eye,
and your calm, hard face makes me wish
that I was never brought into this place.
Maybe it's just me

Maybe it's just me who can't control my own emotion
Maybe it's jyst me who always being overprotect to you
Maybe it's just me who can't make you feel love,
It's just me, who can't letting you go

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

thanks ;')

gatau msti mulai dari mana ? sampe mana juga gatau, serba gatau.

yang jelas, mau kaya gmnpun juga aku msh syg sm dia, sejahat apapun dia secuek cuek cuek cuek cueknya dia semuanya dh aku ttp syg sm dia, knp ? aku yakin dia orang yg baik, aku tau dia bisa paham & ngertiin perasaan aku, makanya aku bisa sayang bgt sama dia.

Sounds insane, ryt ? Iyalah buat yang kenal sama aku yang tiap hari dengerin cerita aku ttg dia pasti udah ga bsa ngmng apa apa lg, udah dksh tau aku ttp aja kaya gini, mksh bgt yaa buat Didza Rara Raras Tya Heskya Ka Putt Ka Anggi Ka Dea Ka Amel yg uda mau dngerin cerita aku, ngsh aku solusi & nenangin aku, esp for my dearest mum, makasih udah mau nenangin aku waktu aku nangis kejer sendiri dikamar,
And of course for my best sist ka Acha annisa & shasha

Bener bener apa ya ? Speechless

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

a chance ?

okay kali ini gue bener bener dibuat bingung sama perasaan gue sendiri, jujur gue aja gatau mau gue sbnernya apa, deket salah jauh salah, bisa dibilang sih guenya aja ko yang ngarep, guenya aja yang ke gr an, tp gmn dong, smua kan gara gara perasaan gue sendiri

gue bener bener mesti mutusin, ngebuat keputusan buat gue sendiri, walaupun gue tau apa yg gue putusin pasti ada konsekuensinya, cuma hm gatau :'( gue sayang, gila kali lo baca smua blog gue isinya dia doang, smua gue ceritain tentang siapa lagi kalo bukan dia ? lebay? emang, tapi itu yang gue rasain ko, gue cewe dan gue lemah. Gue bukan wonderwoman yang bisa nahan sakit sekalipun itu sakit hati =_=

cuma ada dua tapi bener bener berat buat gue, dimana gue mesti mutusin, mau deket terus tp dgn harapan kosong hm maksudnya gue cuma bisa makan ati gara gara gue tetep engga berenti ngarepin dia, apa jauh, tapi yaudah, gue ga bakal ngarep dan sakit lagi. Kalo jauh adalah kputusan paling tepat kenapa gue blm siap ? kapan ? udah ada kali 2 bulan gue tetep gini terus, mau ga mau, soalnya ini semua gue yang mutusin dan gue mau berenti buat ngeluh, gue cape kesel sebel sakit tapi sayang, entah deh gue bakal ngmngn ini apa engga, I'm not strong enough to face it,

cause amu amu bibi mumu kak :'(

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009


what is relation between you and me ?
i know you will answer it as a brother sister or maybe just friend, but how about me boy ?
don't you know how happy am i when you chat me ?
don't you know how happy am i when you call me ?
don't you know how happy am i when you send me text ?
don't you know how happy am i when you give me careness ?
don't you knoooooooow ?

uh but you know exactly how much i love you right ? I'm hoping you back boy, i miss you i need you everytime i looked at you i want to call you but i can't uhhhhhhhhhh

i wll always waiting for you eventhough i know you will not coming back :')