Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

1 kata, bisa
udah pernah ngalamin ko, pastinya udah lebih paham, lebih ngerti.
bersyukur belum terlalu jauh, blm terlalu dalam
apapun yang terjadi, itu udah diatu, dan pasti itu yang terbaik

mau nangis sekenceng apapun ga bakal ada yang berubah
mau nuntut? ada hak apa?
mau marah? dia siapanya lo?
mau maki maki? ga guna, toh dia ga 100% salah
mau apalagi? begging for him to come back?
apa itu berguna? apa dia bakal balik? apa dia bakal sayang tulus? nampaknya, engga.

jadi, terima aja apa yang udah dikasih.
lo gabakal mati ga ada dia
lo gabakal gila ga ada dia
hidup lo ga selesai disini pas dia pergi
lo lebih kuat dr apapun, masih banyak yg masalahnya jauh lbih berat dr lo
jangan selalu berfikir negatif, semua punya alesan.
itu yg bisa gue pelajarin

so thank you, and goodbye

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010


Kau tak sepenuhnya sendiri
Aku kan selalu ada disini
Mengapa oh mengapa dirimu
Penuh dengan rasa bimbang?

Tak perlu kau pergi, tuk mencari
Mencari arti, cinta

Aku sendiri disini menunggu
Aku sendiri disini menanti
Aku tak terbiasa untuk, berharap

Berlari untuk mengejar dirimu
Dalam menggapai semua impiku
Smoga, kau kan tetap
Jadi apa yang ku inginkan

Jangan pernah berubah, ingat janjimu
Jangan pernah menghilang, dari hatiku :')

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

big day

Aku tau hari ini bakal dateng ko, aku tau ini semua udah diatur, aku cuma mau ngmng
Take care, semoga dpt yg terbaik :')

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

when we're break up, at the same time i though that i lost my best friend.

"Kamu berhak pacaran sama orang yang bener bener kamu sayang, jangan memaksakan keadaan" -Ka Putry

"baguslah Put, semakin cepet kamu kasih keputusan makin lega meskipun awalnya nyesel tp lama lama juga bisa move on" -Assumpta Hangganararas

"aku tau Put kamu selama ini udah nahan perasaan sakit kamu kan yang dulu? lakuin sesuai apa isi hati kamu ya" -Astri Andrini Paramitha

"ga salah ko Put, itu namanya kamu beneran sayang sayang gausah memiliki juga gapapa" -Rista Lelyta

"you'll get him back if God want it,okay? indah pada waktunya sayang aku percaya banget kata kata itu" -Ka Anggita

"kalau kamu orangnya batu, kamu harus kuat dong. batu kan kuat" -Rafina Diaswari

semua orang yang bilang ini udah buat keputusan gue bulat, they're the best persons i've ever had, termasuk Indira Didza Heskya Sani, gue percaya satu kalimat yang gue yakinin banget kalo roda kehidupan itu pasti berputar, disaat lo terpuruk banget, pasti masih ada orang-orang yang ngebantuin lo, harus inget bahwa suatu saat semua yang lo lakuin bakal balik ke orangnya masing-masing. lo dibuang ya besoknya lo ngebuang. semua sama rata.

seharusnya hidup lebih adil, tapi gue tau Allah pasti ngasih yang terbaik tepat pada waktunya :')

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

ada orang jahat, ada yang dijahatin. orang yang ngejahatin pasti ngerasain hal yng ga enak, sama kaya org yg dijahatin. sekarang, yang sakit bukan cuma sepihak. dua duanya. siapa bilang ngejahatin orang itu enak? perasaan bersalah yang terus menghantui itu justru lebih menyeramkan drpd kesakitan yang dialami.

suka seenaknya.
mau diperhatiin tapi ga mau merhatiin.
mau dingertiin tapi gamau mengerti.

memaksakan keadaan, ga sadar sadar kalo banyak yang lebih baik drpd maksain. ga tau gimana perasaan orang yag slama ini sayang tulus 10000000000000000000% sama lo trs lo nya masih suka nengok negok ke belakang. ga punya perasaan, ga mikir sakitnya jd orang itu.

percayalah, smua yang terbaik udah diatur Tuhan, lo tinggal ngejalanin apa yang jd tugas lo. jangan abaikan orang orang disekitar lo, karena mungkin sebagian dr kata-kata mereka benar.

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

us, we, our, mine

no matter how hard i cry, he isn't going to pop up and tell me it was a joke

"sekarang dia lagi bantuin lo buat ngelupain dia. buat ngelupain semuanya supaya kalo deket lagi udah sama-sama ga ada rasa. sekarang waktunya buat lo yang ngebantuin diri lo sendiri, bantu diri lo buat ninggalin yang udah udah dan mulai lagi tanpa ada perasaan lebih selain temen. nyadarin lo kalo lo didepan lo udah ada orang yang lo pilih dan selalu ada buat lo" -Indira

mau apalagi sekarang? gue uda punya yang baik buat gue. apa yang perlu gue paksain? ayolah Puth sadar. wuhuhuhuhu gatau mau bilang apalagi, gatau mesti ngilanginnya gimana. semoga apa yang Rara bilang bener, semoga suatu saat nanti bisa jadi sahabat deket, semoga ga diem dieman terus. semoga langgeng *ga nyambung*

hehehehehehehehehehehehe pokonya makasih 08 Mei 2010 i love you :')

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010


Coming back after a long long long damn sick. I've got DBD yuhu sounds really not great! There is NOT anything that can make me happy in hospital except my GSPRS and big fam who comes to visit. Yeah who said that getting sick is okay? While too many needle goin' to punch you everyday every morning and every afternoon? Infus infus taking blood or etc

Enough about hospital, uhm ya don't forget about the f-o-o-d! Ryt first thing first its smell like any other food, but day by day it turned to be a junkie smell! Really yuck cause maybe when you're sick everything smells like junk not like a chicken

Then, how about my birthday?! WOW. Just can say that, I can't imagine it and I really love the surprises, thanks my lovelove gossipers and of course my xxviii, my family and my brother huhu love ya

Lovelife? Hm I could life without it, just can't live without food&all my friends. Still said that I'm not really in the mood for love, well its just...........god forbid hahaha

Cups :*

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

think about it

kau ungkapkan kepadaku
kan ada saatnya nanti
engkau milikku satu

ku menunggu dalam bimbang
ada kah sungguhnya aku
kasih yang kau inginkan

biar aku yang pergi
bila tak juga pasti
adakah selama ini
aku cinta sendiri

biar aku menepi
bukan lelah menanti
namun apalah artinya
cinta pada bayangan

pedih aku rasakan kenyataannya
cinta tak harus slalu miliki

jujur aku tak yakin bisa
jalani hari tanpa dirimu

namun apalah artinya
cinta pada bayangan

LIHAT lihat lihat lagunya gue banget bukan ? Lebee
Emang bener tuh, hah cape hati lalalala

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010


ya, balik lagi dengan sampah sampah yang ingin kubuang :)

ceritanya? apa ya? hm oke cerita ttg mr.busy atau BusyMan aja yaa hehe. gue uda sukses nih ceritanya, alhamdulillah walaupun ga boong gue msh inget & bakalan selalu nampaknya ha ha ha ya gue udah suka sama ini si busy aga lama. pertama tama sih suka ngeliat doang, eh dia nge add msn aku & akhirnya kita jd sering chat wihiiiy

tapi pertama kali itu dia msh in a relationship & gue juga cuma sekedar suka toh ya ilang timbul lah, akhirnya dia putus ga lama lalu lumayan sering ngobrol di msn seperti biasa & suatu saat nih dia jd perhatian entah cuma aku yg gr apa gmn tp kita jd chatting tiap hari dan dan dan smsan walau cuma 1 apa 2 kali haha -,-

eh eh eh pas udah lumayan deket lama lama dia jd ga pernah sama sekali ada kabarnya, ol juga ya ol doang kaga nyapa (bete) hahaha terus yaudah kan gue juga gamau lagi tuh yang namanya nungguin cowo sampe ngemis ngemis uh big NO! ;P

akhirnya? hmm masih ga jelas. sudahlah terserah saja mau kaya gimana juga akhirnya, just pray for the best! there will be miracle when you believe

anyway, i miss my brother nih ha ha ha coba kita akhirnya bisa ade kaka kaya orang lain yang aman & damai. ga minta dijauhin kak, tapi biasa saja :P

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

no, thanks

All this time I was wasting
Hoping you would come around
I've been giving out chances every time
And all you do is let me down

And it's taking me this long
Baby but I figured you out
And you're thinking we'll be fine again
But not this time around

You don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore

And you can say that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry, no, no, no, no

Looking so innocent
I might believe you if I didn't know
Could've loved you all my life
If you hadn't left me waiting in the cold

And you got your share of secrets
And I'm tired of being last to know
And now you're asking me to listen
Cause it's worked each time before

You had me falling for you honey
And it never would've gone away, no
You used to shine so bright
But I watched all of it fade

its time for me to say, No!

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010


Terserah maunya apa, gimana. Bodo amat
Cape banget sama semuanya. Mau keluar dr ke engga jelasan yg ada disini

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

i'm not missing you

Oh, Oh
I'm not missing you
Been through just about everything that I could go through
When it comes to relationships
Don't know what I was missing or why I ain't listen
When I told myself that was it
Now here I go, hurt again
Cause of my curiosity
Now that its over
What else could it be he just had to cheat

I made a promise never to settle
Why didn't I keep it?
'Cause I hated the heartbreak
Crying and cheating, the fooling around

I'm not missing you
I'm not going through t
he motions
Waiting and hoping you call me
I'm not missing you
You might have had me open
But I must be going because
I got life to do
I know I'm usually hanging on
I used to hate to see you gone
But this time its different
I don't even feel the distance
I'm not missing
I'm not missing you

Its a shame in a way cause
I feel that I may not ever find the right one for me
Did I leave him, is he right in front of my face oh
Will my true love ever be?
Why would I go on a search again
When I know what the end will be
What good is love when it keeps on hurting me?

I made a promise never to settle
Why didn't I keep it?
'Cause I hated the heartbreak
Crying and cheating, the fooling around

No I can't be with you
Cause I'm scared felt like I was falling when you left me
I can't keep going through life
Unaware of what I missed
And the person I could be
Love's good when its right
And when it's left in your memory
All the times I let you down
I guess love will be nice for someone else's life

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010


Well, Hello!
My name is Annesya Shabrina Putri
You can call me Putri
I'm in 42 SHS, X-2
I'm Quinners, GSPRS, XXVIII
08 March 1994
This is my new life, new pages, and new story
Will tell you many stories later, thank you

Erase, erase

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

minggu suram

Ga mau ngeluh, tapi gue ga tau mau cerita dmn lg, udah ga enak skrg gue udah ga bebas.

Gimana rasanya dijauhin ? Gatau gue lebay kali ya, tapi kenapa pagi ktmu lsg nunduk ? Itumah gapapa deh kmrn juga udah gamau natap mata gue. & & & td gue lg jalan ga tau guenya aja yg ngrasa tp ya dia itu lsg masuk kelas

Salah apa ? Maaf ya kalo misalnya keganggu di bbm in trs hehehe :')

Hoping you for my birthday present, just you. It is really enough

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

say it

I love you but it’s not so easy to make you here with me
I wanna touch and hold you forever
But you’re still in my dream
And I can’t stand to wait ‘till nite is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…

I used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized
I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say… “hello”
And I can’t stand to wait your love is coming to my life
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…

And I never thought that I’m so strong
I stuck on you and wait so long
But when love comes it can’t be wrong
Don’t ever give up just try and try to get what you want
Cause love will find the way….
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…

If I could say it to you, I will say it from the first time. But I can't, I'm afraid that our relation will be messed up,
I really hoping you back, really do :')

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010


In this sheet of words, I close 'Puthri blog' for a while or maybe forever,
So sorry about it. Will tell my experience about love later, till I find someone who can actually treat me well
eventhough I love you and will always be


Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Ha apaan ya ?
Maaf beribu maaf ya, aku ga enak.
Aku ga minta dijauhin, aku mau tetep temenan kaya biasa aja kan
Cara satusatunya lewat blog ya ngmngnya ? Huhu

Gatau, :(

two is better than one

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life
And I thought hey
You know this could be something
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

'Cause maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one

I remember every look upon your face,
The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everythings okay
And finally now, we're leaving

And maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one

Yeah, yeah

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life
And I thought hey

Maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking

Oooh I can't live without you
'Cause baby two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And I've figured out with all that's said and done
Two, is better than one

Two is better than one

*i do so pathetic, can not believe anyone, cause I'm to weak to accept it. I still in love with you, actually :')